

Friday, September 24, 2010


Okay, so we were all discussing and we came to a conclusion.

When we all meet up at the park, to identify/locate everyone participating in Hetalia Day, once you get there you MUST shout Paaassssssstttttttttttaaaaaaaa~!! as loud as possible. Then, we shall gather you up and get you introduced to everyone already there. If you happen to be the first one there, which I doubt you will be, just hang out or something til someone else comes shouting pasta.

ALSO make sure you comment! We need to know what you guys think too. And if you are for sure able to come. And check back often. We have updates ALL the time. thankyou :)

(Also also, if you happen to go to our school, don't be afraid to come say hi!  It probably won't be very hard to spot the one girl in school who wears a flower in her hair every day and her lovely companions C:)

1 comment:

  1. Hello~ I will definately be attending and will most likely be bringing friends! I was so happy hearing this. You have no. idea. probably do but you get it.

