

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Activities List (sort of)

Hello, all! This is just a short update before the real stuff: Us lemons have been collaborating over here for a while, and so far there are for sure going to be a Poland and a Hungary and an America attending. And another Poland (Femneko!Poland, if I remember right), a China or Japan, and Chibitalia. Woo hoo this is getting awesomer and awesomer :{D

Okay, onto the real subject. There are a lot of awesome things we really wanna do . . but . . sometimes gravity and other things get in the way. Despite setbacks like these, we have still come up with some fun activities. Here's the list:

Caramelldansen Contest- Whoever can dance the Caramelldansen the longest wins! What do they win? A high five We can decide on here, ideas are welcome (as long as they're not too costly).

Other dance contests-It doesn't really matter if you can dance or not. Take me for example: rhythm? I have none whatsoever :]

Risk- . . . Is that the game where you try to get world domination? I'm going to be scared if there's a Russia coming.

"What am I" game. More forehead nametags, ask yes/no questions until you know what you are. Kinda like that one number game, but with objects, instead.

The Question Game- You understand this one, right?

The Norwegian Foot Game- *le wink* You pretty much stand in a circle and touch your feet to other people's, in order, whilst attempting to keep your balance.

The Pasta Game- Have we all heard of Olly-Olly-Oxen-Free (there are various ways to spell it)? If not, it's that one game where there are hiders and one seeker. If we play it will be in the park, and everyone will have to hide in the premises. The seeker will close their eyes and count to a number, then shout "PASTAAAAAAA~" and the hiders will have to make a dash for the designated meeting point without getting tagged by the seeker, who will also be running towards the point (there are different versions of the game, too, and you can suggest yours in the comments). This was a really bad explanation, but oh well.

The Pony Game- Haha, a great game to break the ice with. Throw awkward out the window and have some fun. We're all Hetalia fans, here, right? (it's ironic because I, aka Poland, introduced it to them)

Conference! A wonderful room with pretty walls where we can "sort things out" at Citadel Games.

If there are any games not on the list that you reeeally want to play, give a shout in the comments below :{D

Lemon 1 out.

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