

Monday, October 25, 2010


we have a blog for next year's Hetalia Day and the banner is a substitute until TOL can make an America one.

Hetalia Day 2010 was awesome!

We had like 15 or something people show up! and the following countries:
  • America
  • Poland
  • Hungary
  • Germany
  • England
  • Russia (not in costume)
  • Prussia (red-contact-awesomeness included)
  • Chibitalia
  • Holy Roman Empire
  • China
  • I think we're forgetting someone
And lots of thank yous to our camera crew!

Notice how the first initials of the first three bullets spell APH

Now here's a quick letter to china:

Dear China,
           Thank you for taking pictures. I apologize for the lemons horrible remebrance skills, for we failed to bring a camera. Would you be willing to send us most (if not all) of the hetalia day pictures? Please send them to That way we can put pictures on the blog and send our group photo(s) to, unless you could do that too? Thank you.
                                                                                        The Lemons
Anyone who isn't China(no idea what your real name is) can ignore that letter.

So... I'll conclude this post with a brief summary
We fit too many people in a booth
Had a caramelldansen contest in which the winners got to high five HRE's face
Prussia tried to give Hungary a piggy-back ride (ended bad)
Poland's wig was failtastic
Hungary gave herself a bath after much protest from Prussia
Chibitalia was adorable
I petted China's panda, when (s)he wasn't looking
We met a fan
We attacked other countries with poppers
We got soaked and almost all of us hurt the next day.
We did the flash mob (Hungary, Poland, America, and Germany were the best)
People kept eating my pony
Holy Roman Empire does NOT smoke
The yungens enjoyed our dancing
We had plenty of wardrobe malfunctions
The mcdonald's lady had no sense of humor
...And there were gang-rapes galore!

That wasn't very short.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Shcedule Change??

Yes, there is a change~
Instead of ending at eight, it's ending at six in the morning.

(lol, no, at night.)

Italicizing is cool, so yeah

Friday, October 22, 2010

'Nother email from the Hetalia Day folks

Oh, I'm so excited >.< Hetalia Day is coming up so fast! Since it is, there's a few things everyone should be reminded of. So, I got this email, and it pretty much covers everything, so CHECK OUT THE LINKS IN THE FIRST PART BY NÚMERO UNO . Seriously :]

"      If you'd like to stop receiving emails from me, reply with a blank email.

Hetalia Day 2010 is almost upon us!
The latest count shows we have 35 countries participating, with 161 meetups. You Hetalia fans are amazing!
Some of us are celebrating early, so here are the last-minute reminders:

1) We have a code of conduct, available in four languages. There's also guidelines for cosplay and a flag etiquette guide.  If you haven't seen them, please do.

2) You are asked to submit at least one group photo to (You can view last year's here). The said photo(s) will be uploaded to the main site,, to the Facebook fanpage, and possibly to other Hetalia-related websites. So make sure it's a photo you're comfortable sharing. (If you can, please take photos with your national flag included. The flag of your country, not the character you're cosplaying XD If that's not possible, a banner/poster indicating your location would suffice.)
3) If there's any changes in your event (cancellation, rescheduling, etc.), please inform me. Even if you post it in Hetalia@LJ, I might have missed it.

4) Have fun!

~APH Day 2010"

So, yup! That was the email. On the flag etiquette guide, America's flag was listed under both U.S.A. flag and American flag. That was kinda cool B] Does anyone know where we can get an American flag? My little sister has a bunch, but I'm not sure where they are . . . and she probably wouldn't let me use them in the first place.

Oh, and other update news!
We are, in fact, going to do the Flash Mob Dance. Votes are in, and it looks pretty unanimous. We can pretend the person not caring is a Matthewian or something. This is so cool!  . . .  but I only know the dance partly to step three, and hardly even that. Mostly step one and two. But anyone who knows the other steps will  just end up with a solo (are they called solos (palindrome!) when you dance?)

It looks like we're going with Good Girls Go Bad (beh. I don't care about proper grammar at the moment.) as the music video~ For all of you who voted for a song that didn't get picked but you really wanted it to, too bad, suck it up it'll be okay, it just gives us another reason to meet up . . .  8D
Yeah. So. I think that  might be it~

Lemon 1

P.S. Hahaha, no, this isn't done. I seem to do this a lot, sorry people ^^"

hm. My tummy growling.

---anyway! It turns out that the opinionless (what?! that's not a word?? Blasphemy!) robots won out on the vote about lemon3. So it's been decided that she's going to the funeral and coming to Hetalia Day at, like, 12:30 or somewhere around there.



Japan, you were spotted by Lemon 1 and Somethingsomethingmeowmeowface~ AND IT WASN'T EVEN AT SCHOOL!! HOWCOOLISDAT?!?!?! : D


*shifty eyes*

Freak out is over . .

Monday, October 18, 2010

5 days!

It's getting down to the final days! (and some of us haven't even got our costumes ready or started *cough*lemon1*cough*)

It looks as if the temperature is going to be a high of 52°F and a low of 38°F.
So, we will most likely be able to have the picnic (:
Please comment on what you're bringing, just to double check.
And feel free to make any food requests.
And I suppose we'll have to stop by Mickey D's, America insists. So you might wanna bring extra spending money. Just in case.
um.. I can't think of anything else. Does anyone know if there is an outlet at the park??..

Oh and I'm coming over to your house thursday (I'm pretty sure) lemon1, I didn't wanna have to email you, this was just much more convenient.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I can't believe it!

Did you guys see how many people commented about Hetalia Day on the flash mob video (step 1)??!

P.S. from now on I (lemon3) will talk in purple, that way you'll know who says things

(TOL will steal that idea and type in yellow. If you can't read it, highlight it :U!)

Monday, October 11, 2010


WE NEED TO USE SOMEONE'S ADDRESS FAST!!! We could get like a gift or something (hetalia related of course) Please our families are all very curious and there is no way we could explain Hetalia to them.

Ha ha ha, I'm sure those of you who get the (Francey) joke are snickering right now. That's what somethingsomethingmeowmeowface (whoa~ that's long) mistakenly called the Flash Mob Dance today at the lunch table. Then, she caught what she was saying, and was like "Wow, that sounds wrong." We realized that if you add mob in the middle, it doesn't sound much better. Oh, well, it just shows how cool the dance actually is.

Hey, does anyone know how to rent a P.O. box at the post office? There might be something coming in the mail, but I'm afraid to give out my actual address, because my parents usually check the mailbox during school hours... so yeah.

Oops, I forgot what I was supposed to say, earlier, but now I remember: Anyone who wants/needs to practice the Flash Mob Dance is welcome to do so with us lemons~ You can find us in the world language area at the SC! We'll be the ones sitting by the wall (most likely) or else dancing, or else holding hands in a circle and singing songs. If all esle fails, just use the code word :]

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'm worried?

Okay, I seriously want to know how many robots we have coming to hetalia day.
And just to let you know, we have a few rules about robots attending:

  • everyone knows that the zombies and the robots are going to team up and attack and then all the incognito pirates will have to save the world.
  • So I'll say it again, NO ROBOTS, thankyou

~this message was brought to you by lemon3~

Friday, October 8, 2010


Okay, so us lemons met one of you today. It was so cool, the codeword actually worked! It was Japan, right? (My memory fails at important moments like these.)

And people, don't forget to comment to the URGENT post~
And don't forget to vote, either :3

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Okay, so for Hetalia day I NEED to know how many people we're expecting. Sure there's a list on the side, but that might not be everyone, and some of you might be bringing friends. So please just give a shout out in the comments below~ (lemons, you can just email me or whatever.) EDIT: Please ignore my lack of technological logic (again). Lemons, you can just edit this and put your number up. Except for you, lemon3, because we're not done voting, yet.
I'll have a counter, and whatever number it's at by Sunday is how  many we'll expect to be coming. This is a request from Tokyopop, so please comment!

ALSO there's something really cool for Hetalia Day that I strongly suggest we participate in. I'll just take it out of context:

"I have mentioned this back on the Hetalia livejournal, but of course things get pushed down.

I have the idea of trying to get as many Hetalia Day gatherings to do the flashmob dance.

If you don't know what the flashmob dance is, it was a dance done after the European Song Contest 'Eurovision'. And MANY cities across Europe participated in the dance.

Eurovision 2010 Flash Mob Dance

(Yes, enjoy all of the little boys Spain has in their dance.)

EDIT: If you'd like to learn the dance (You do /not/ need to learn it, it is a freestyle dance if you'd like it to be.) here is the link from Eurovision itself~

NOW~ You do NOT need to know how to dance or need to do any formal dance. But we would like you to record it and have somebody wave the flag of the nationality(ies) at the meet up. You just have to have fun doing a dance or something like that.

Once you record about a 30 seconds to 1 minute of dancing, please send it to me via my e-mail. I will provide all the organizers who are participating with my e-mail when it comes to that time. I will make one BIG video of all our flash mobs and put it on Youtube. It will span the 7 minute song.

Hetalia Day Buffalo will officially head the Flash Mob Dance for we're the organizers of the dance. We will have a list of participating cities who'll do the dance. :3

PLEASE~ Say something here and I will add your gathering to the list!"

We should really be added to the list. Let's vote on it. Heyheyhey! This is NOT going to be our music video, by the way. It will be something separate. And learning the dance would be awesome, because seriously: What if every other group participating learns the dance and is totally epic, and then we're shown and are like, "tralala . . yeah, some of us have no beat whatsoever. Hey, let's do the Johnny Bravo! Oops! I was doing the Twist. Whateva~"
. . . that would just look silly on YouTube. And, dude, if you don't want to dance, we will force you to do it anyway, or else suffer the consequences of England's cooking will just let you watch or help with pushing stop and play on the music or cheer us on or something. Sound good? And there are four parts to the dance, if you didn't catch the suggested videos in the sidebar on YouTube :] it would be cool to do the funky chicken. Okay, I just watched the fourth part and it really looks hard, so . . we can just do the first three, if you guys want. The video would be long enough. BUT IF THERE ARE SOME BRAVE, BRAVE SOULS ATTENDING THIS GET-TOGETHER, YOU CAN BE OUR AWESOME FINALE ={D

Ah haha, this post isn't over. What's the plan on a signboard? Are we going to have one? We have to take pictures with either it or America's flag (which I won't mind one bit). Yeah, please reply to ALL of this in the comments below by Sunday.

P.S. Yaaaaaaay! I got to meet you (if you're you, you know who I'm talking about)! It was really nice to meet you 8D

Monday, October 4, 2010

I met you :D / Pasta part du

First of all, "du" is "two" in Lithuanian. TOL(well, me, for this post) loves that language and uses it a lot..sometimes. It's quite difficult to teach yourself a language :C

Second, I met one of you today! Totally awesome C:
And I think Lemon 3 and I met another one of you today, but we were kinda confused.. Blame it on Monday morning and us not being the brightest crayons in the box. So, if that was you, sorry! Try again tomorrow? Cx

And just in case something like that happens again, we've come up with the codeword to make sure it's us, and so we don't have a stupid spell again.
Just ask us "Pasta?" and we'll know what you're talking about C;

See you then~!